Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hello Pot, Meet Kettle

The last week or so has provided multiple examples of “the pot calling the kettle black”, probably the most prominent instance being former President Clinton coming unhinged on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. (You can view the actual interview here.) Mr. Clinton was invited onto the program for a fifteen minute interview; half devoted to Clinton’s new “Global Initiative” and half devoted to an open forum. As part of the open forum, Mr. Clinton was asked, on behalf of numerous viewers that emailed Fox their questions, why he didn’t do more while in office to get rid of Osama Bin Laden. I think most of us would agree that that’s a fair question. Slick Willie didn’t. He got extremely defensive and downright angry over the questions, leaning forward in his seat to poke at Chris Wallace’s notes, wagging his finger at Wallace and the viewers, and accusing Chris Wallace of “doing Fox’s bidding” and “doing a nice little conservative hit job” on him. In other words, he lost it. And, in the spirit of making up “facts” regarding what happened between him and Monica Lewinsky when he was supposed to be leading the nation, Clinton followed up with this diatribe: “But at least I tried” (to get Bin Laden). “That's the difference in me and some, including all of the right-wingers who are attacking me now. They ridiculed me for trying.” Apparently, Mr. Clinton actually believes that the right-wingers prevented him from going after Bin Laden while in office.

2003 saw the publication of a book written by Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, formerly of the United States Air Force. Lt. Col. Patterson served his country in multiple capacities, but this book, entitled Dereliction of Duty, focused on the time of his career that saw him serving alongside President Clinton. His role was to carry the suitcase known as the “nuclear football”, which contained the nation’s nuclear launch codes. It’s a great book that I highly recommend. It’s very informative, and an easy read (no pictures, though). Lt. Col. Patterson, in his role, had the opportunity to witness many things firsthand that others never will. One of the things he witnessed, and was directly involved in, was an opportunity to kill or capture Bin Laden that was handed to President Clinton on a silver platter. Despite multiple attempted phone calls from National Security Advisor Sandy Berger to President Clinton, letting him know that the NSC located Bin Laden and had a two-hour window to strike, President Clinton failed to act. I say “attempted” phone calls, as the calls were answered by Lt. Col. Patterson, who was with the President at the time. Each time Lt. Col. Patterson attempted to get the President to take the call, President Clinton refused, rather rudely, as a matter of fact. You see, the President was busy watching a golf tournament and socializing with others said tournament, and would not take the call until it was too late. We missed the attack window, and Bin Laden escaped. I wonder how many innocent Americans would have died on 9/11 had golf not gotten in the way of the opportunity of a lifetime. Really, what’s worse? Not being able to find Bin Laden now, or having him in your sights and letting him “play through”?

I believe it was Rush Limbaugh that pointed out this week that at least President Clinton kept us safe from another group that threatened the very existence of our country.....the Branch Davidians. You think Bin Laden deserved even HALF the attention that the Clinton administration gave to this group at Waco?

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