Friday, October 13, 2006

You can get medication for that, can't you??

So, my oldest son, Joe, is reading a novel for school called "King of the Wind". I never heard of's's about a horse.....not many pictures.....multiple reasons why I would have never read it. Anyway, he loves horses, so HE'S interested in it, which is fine by me as we want him to be reading as much as possible. This morning he was writing answers to some quiz questions on the most recent chapter that he read. Well, there's a character in the book named Mistress Cockburn. (I didn't know this at the time.) That, in and of itself, is bad enough, but Joe often has some issues transferring what he reads onto paper and the words don't always come out right. So, next thing you know, I'm reading an answer that he wrote that refers to the "mysterious cockburn".

Do you know how hard it is to laugh out loud at something your son writes or says but not be able to explain to him why you're laughing? It's not easy. Poor kid......

Put some salve on that and call the doctor in the morning.....


Anonymous said...

For some reason, I thought it would be a different variation. Yes, I'm sure they have medicine for that condition. :p

Anonymous said...

I'd recommend something with Lidocaine and maybe Aloe?

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I'm glad our children still are a bit naive. It means we're doing our jobs and they're still able to be kids! Yeah for home schooling! ~Karen

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.