Friday, March 31, 2006

Can America sell Hollywood to France???

There's been a few things I've seen and/or read recently that have really irritated me. Yes, I know...I really need to stop watching the's bad for my blood pressure. Here's a sampling of the nonsense that's ticked me off in the last week or so....
  • Richard Belzer, best known as Detective John Munch in NBC's Law and Order series (maybe his first name should be Butt, rather than John) appeared on HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher. Bastion of patriotism that Mr. Maher is, even he became disenchanted when Dickie Belzer referred to our troops in Iraq as "uneducated" and "stupid", citing that the whole reason they're fighting for his freedom is because they are a bunch of "19 and 20 year old kids that couldn't get a job" over here. He then went on to state that they (the troops) don't have any right to have an opinion on the war because they "don't read 20 newspapers a day" to tell them what to think about it. Wouldn't I just LOVE see Belzer on the front line in Iraq. Naturally I wouldn't give him a gun....he's so intelligent he wouldn't need one....he could just threaten to read the New York Times to the bad guys.
  • From another Tinseltown of my ABSOLUTE favorite actors (didn't you just LOVE him in Fun With Dick And Jane?'re not one of the THREE people that went to see it???), Alec Baldwin, has been at it again....still.....yet.....he REALLY needs to come through on his promise to move to Canada if George Bush got elected. They probably don't want him either. Anyway, Baldwin got in a verbal feud, and a pretty heated one at that, on WABC radio with Sean Hannity recently. Now, this story isn't quite as bad as the Belzer story, but Baldwin's still a boob, nonetheless. Basically, Hannity asked some very relevant questions in an effort to get Baldwin to explain his previous statements about Dick Cheney being a terrorist, our President being a "mass-murderer", and that they should "stone Henry Hyde". Granted, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but all Hannity wanted was an explanation as to how Baldwin felt those comments were necessary in a time of war with our troops in harm's way. Naturally, Mr. Baldwin gave a calm, succinct, eloquent explanation of what he meant......NOT! He immediately began calling Hannity names, insulted his previous profession (construction work), and eventually stormed out of the studio, cutting the interview short. He's spoiled....should be in France....
  • Speaking of 'bout those riots over there this week?!?!? Makes me proud that I have no French roots in my family tree. In case you missed it, here's the abridged version. A half million French folks, mostly youth, gathered in numerous riots over a potential labor law that may be passed. Essentially, the law would remove a lot of restraints that businesses there currently deal with that hold them back from growing and often having productive employees. In particular, part of the law would state that businesses can hire or fire anyone at anytime for any reason, similar to the laws we have here in America. The rioters are seeking protection in employment that would forbid a company from firing someone within the first two years of employment. Yup...they want guaranteed employment. The real kicker is that most of these spoiled brat kids don't want to WORK....they just want the guarantee of a job. Go figure. The rioters attacked police, ransacked a McDonald's (so much for the burger flippers' jobs), and did other fun stuff, and finally the riot police had to turn the water cannons on them. Good. Maybe they'll smell better now.

Alright....I guess that's enough for now. I was also going to add something regarding the 7-year old African American girl that writes racist poetry, but I'll save that for another time. There's too much to take on at one time there.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Both, actually....

Heard the Hannity/Baldwin exchange.....heard ABOUT the Belzer story, then pulled the transcript of the show off Maher's site