Friday, May 12, 2006

Can we PLEASE change the subject?!?

What’s the "subject" I’m referring to? Gas prices. So, here’s the part where I contradict myself. The title implies that I want to stop talking about gas prices, and then I promptly spend multiple paragraphs talking about gas prices. I get a little confusing that way sometimes. Bear with me.

I saw a poll online recently. Now, I typically don’t pay much attention to polls and surveys, as the results can be completely swayed based on how the questions are worded. But, I paid a little attention to this one. The survey went something like this:

"Which of the following is most important to you as we approach the upcoming primaries and elections?"

1. making income tax cuts permanent for all taxpaying Americans
2. continuing the war on terror
3. reducing gasoline prices
4. investigating Major League Baseball due to the steroid controversies

5. ensuring that fair, impartial judges and justices are appointed that will uphold the Constitution as law
6. work toward establishing health care for all Americans

Like most other things I read in the media, the results frustrated me. Approximately 50% of those that responded said that reducing gas prices were the most important issue to them heading into the elections. (Although, I think a few people from Florida voted twice and had their votes thrown out.) FIFTY PERCENT! That’s frightening to me. Never mind that permanent tax cuts would lessen the pain at the pump, as we'd have more of our own money to work with. Never mind that we have American soldiers fighting right now to keep us safe from evil regimes such as Saddam Hussein's, and to establish a foothold in the Middle East for America and democracy. Never mind right-thinking justices. Americans care about gas prices.

Let’s put things into perspective. Everyday Americans pay $1.29 or so for a 20 ounce bottle of Coke or Pepsi and don’t bat an eye. No one’s in an uproar over $8.25 a gallon for soda pop. Not to mention the fact that people pay that much for bottled water everyday as well. Water. Mind you, this is the stuff you can go get for free (more or less) in your kitchen. No, no one complains about these things, and there’s one reason for it. The national media is not screaming at us everyday that PepsiCo is making billions of dollars in profit. We aren’t hearing that CocaCola’s CEO received a huge bonus based on profit last quarter. But we ARE getting ExxonMobil’s profits shoved in our faces day after day after day as if we are to believe that it’s a BAD THING that the company is profitable! We’re supposed to be ticked off that “big business” is sticking it to us. Never mind that the reality is that it’s TAXES that are sticking it to us in gasoline prices (see chart on right), as only 9 cents a gallon go to oil company profits. Do you really think we’d feel better if gas was $2.91/gallon instead of $3.00/gallon? Some have even said that we need to have Congressional Hearings on gas prices so that we can make sure the government sticks it to the oil companies if it's determined that they're making "too much" money. I can't even list all the things wrong with that line of thought. (I wonder if those same people would want the government to subsidize the evil oil companies if they were LOSING money?)

Americans, as a whole, are short-sighted. Many vote for or against candidates solely on one issue. Many look only at how something is going to effect them, not the nation as a whole. We don't look at the big picture. The government has a responsibility, according to the Constitution, to provide for the common defense of the nation. It does NOT have a responsibility to limit the profits (or losses) of companies. It does NOT have a responsiblity to ensure that products are priced at the liking of every American citizen. American citizens have that responsiblity. If it costs too much to buy something, don't buy it. Or at least, buy less of it. Instead of making 2-3 trips to the store in a week, make one. Instead of letting your kids drive to school everyday, have them take the bus. (Yes, I know it's not cool, but desperate times....) If it's really that bad, buy a car with better gas mileage (although I strongly support the right of anyone to drive big, SAFE, huge, fuel-burning SUVs if they desire....just don't complain about your gas mileage). In short, take responsibility for your own actions and the effect they have on the world around you, and quit expecting the government to do it for you!

NOW can we change the subject?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Holy crap! I hope you aren't bringing your copy of the Communist Manifesto with you this week! Next thing you know, you'll be joining a union or something! In the words of the great Daffy Duck, you are in need of "more briefing". Don't worry....I will help you see the light!